Today's photo essay is brought to you by the trees, without whom we'd suffer horribly. There is so much to notice and celebrate....think of all the essential things (air!) they provide for us...and then all the other things that make life gorgeous....
Following a winding path through pine forests above Rognes....
Detail from an old door in Aix-en-Provence...
The gnarly plein tree I seek out every time I walk the dog...
If you were thinking about trespassing in this village ruin, this would stall you for 3 seconds, at the most...We were tempted to steal it and hang it up at home...
A pair of "shelters" built simply of standard sheets of plywood. The burnt wood lines evoke veins on a leaf. They are off in a corner in the Place de Precheurs in Aix-en-Provence. Contrasting against centuries old architecture and being a cool relief, but mostly they were functioning as a partial cover for a young kissing couple.
This gnarly woody vine isn't captured well enough in a Frank stepped in to translate it for you...onto the canvas....the photo below is a teaser, just a detail from his series in progress of the beloved vine...
Frank is capturing their graceful curves and responses to the wind and weather of Provence. We will post photos of these paintings as his series expands...
Trees, vines, wood, wine....we cannot have life without trees, and we cannot enjoy it as much without the vines! Hug a tree today!