Saturday, March 30, 2019

Alphabetically Speaking in Images


Gorgeous city on a Sunday afternoon visit


Stunned, but recovered and flew away


Obviously found Frank's oil palette before decorating the
front seat of Frank's car...


Hazel hiking with me!


Extreme Easter decorating in our little village!
Office Furniture


Bullfighting family in Arles serves up scrumptious Paella
Who has a  title suggestion for this painting???


Haircut!  Introducing Jorgie's Kool Look

Atop the village of Cucuron at it's hermitage, the tips of pines are bent from the Mistral

The Mistral

It is a ripping wind that comes thru the south of France and sends laundry spiraling on the clothesline until the damp serviettes appear like a roll of paper towels and the dog has sought the smallest space in the house to cower. Sometimes, it is predicted on the weather report and never comes, and you are so busy being delighted by the cool temps coupled with the brilliant sunshine in March that you forget the Mistral wind was forecasted at all. Conversely, maybe you've set out to paint because the weather report looked perfect, and the next thing you know, that Mistral whips up suddenly and your canvas becomes a sail....threatening to carry the whole easel and palette over to the next village. Or it flattens the palette against your shirt, blows the painting face down into the sandy dirt or just spins you into chaos.  Though unfortunate, such forces of nature are pretty incredible so respect is given, we make our peace and then carry on, what else is there to do???


Naples, one of the many cities visited by Arlo in the past few months....Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Prague, Rome, Venice, Vienna....his bus pulls into Aix-en-Provence tomorrow and I'll be the mom waiting with the big ear-to-ear grin. 

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